GB specializes in Mechanical Design, Manufacture & Supply of

1.Fired Boilers

  • Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Boilers (AFBC)
  • Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers (CFBC)
  • Blast Furnace Gas Fired Boilers (BFG / COG)
  • Pulverized Coal Fired Boilers (PF)
  • Oil Fired Boilers
  • Bio-mass Fired Boilers
  • Bagasse Fired Boilers
  • Chemical Recovery Boilers
  • Waste Heat Recovery Boilers (WHR)

2.Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG)

3.Waste Incinerators

4.Boiler Components (spares)

5.Pressure Vessels & Heat Exchangers

6.Deaerators and Desalination Plants


The manufacture of the components, at GB, comply to National and International Codes & Standards

IBR-(Indian Boiler Regulation) Director  of Boiler,Tamil Nadu
ASME - (American Society for Mechanical Engineers) Through AIA by LR Insurance Inc
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED/23/EC)  Through Lloyds, with CE Marking

List of major inspection agencies

  • Indian Boiler Regulation Authorities
  • Lloyds Register of Industrial Services
  • Bureau of Industrial Services 
  • TUV Works Name Area Available (sq.feet) Covered Area Max Handling Capacity (MT) ManHour Avilable Per Day Annual Tonnage Capacity (MT)
1 GB Main 5,22,720 1,60,000 40 4,000 5,300
2 GB tabular 2,17,800 40,000 40 2,000 3,100
3 AC-GB Works 30,49,200 1,50,000 20 2,400 5,000
Total 37,89,720 3,50,000 8,400 13,400
This is a standard alert.

I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!

This is a standard alert.

I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!
